Creates a dropdown list that displays information from one field. Use inside a form, or to display results at an absolute position using a position box. 创建显示某个域的信息的下拉列表。可将其用于表单中,也可用定位框在某个绝对位置显示结果。
To display the position of the knob, you provide that float as one of the arguments in the function. 要显示该旋钮的位置,您提供的是,由于在函数的参数之一浮动。
Program for using an IBM PC to read quadrature encoders through the parallel port ( requires bi-directional port) and display position data on-screen. 计划使用IBM的PC阅读正交编码器通过并行端口(需要双向端口)和显示位置数据在屏幕上。
The design has the advantages of simple code framework, good expansibility, convenient changing the display position. 本方案具有源代码组织简单,扩展性好,字符显示位置修改灵活的优点。
Just as a company needs to know of the job-applicants through job-interview, the graduates need display their ability through the position provided by the company. 如同企业需要面试来了解求职者一样,毕业生也需要企业提供的职位来展示自己的才华。
This year ′ s Shanghai Car Show will serve as the optimal stage for such a global vehicle to display its globally defined market position as completely as possible. 本届上海车展将成为这款全球车全面展示其在全球细分市场标杆的最佳舞台。
On a terminal, one or more characters entered before a return to the first printing or display position. 在终端设备上,在返回到第一个打印或显示位置之前键入的一个或多个字符。
To advance the reading or display position according to a prescribed format, for example, to advance the printing or display position horizontally to the right or vertically down. 根据规定的格式,推进读出位置或显示位置,例如横向向右或纵向向下推进打印位置或显示位置。
Real time graphic display of probe position, beam surface position, gate delay and gate width during scanning. 实时显示探针位置所对应的图形,播送表面位置,门控和门控宽度。
A format effector that causes the print or display position to move to the first position on the same line. 使打印或显示位置移到本行起始位置的格式控制字符。
The vehicle navigation system functions include data search, route abduction, map display, vehicle position and route calculation. 内置有导航地图的车载导航系统的功能具体可分为数据检索、线路诱导、地图显示、车辆定位和路径计算。
A state machine with 28 states is designed in the CPLD to realize the digital channel display, time line display and trigging position display. 在CPLD里设计了一个具有28个状态的状态机来实现数据通道显示、时间线显示和触发位置显示。
Radar monitor is used to display the position information and movement of the captured target. 雷达显示器是用来显示雷达所获得的目标位置信息及其运动情况。
The spatial data is used to display its spatial position and characters, and the attribute data is used to reflect its natural and environmental impact characters. 利用属性数据反映其自然和环境影响特征,并通过共同关键字实现空间数据库与属性数据库之间的关联。
In this paper, present the design for controller and display function of liquid position control system with some kind of common chips. 本文应用常见的几种芯片设计并实现了液位系统的控制及显示功能。
This paper introduces how to use scroll bar to display current playing position and control playing course of multimedia system. 介绍一种利用滚动条来显示媒体播放的当前位置和控制媒体演播进度的方法。
Simulate Display of Real-time Position of Astronomical Telescope based on Matlab 基于Matlab的天文望远镜实时位置仿真显示
The background management, such as initialization, adjusting of parameter, display of motor position etc. 上位机通过调用PComm32动态连接库中的函数实现系统后台管理等非实时性任务,包括系统初始化、系统参数调整、坐标显示、机床操作控制等。
It is necessary to build a three-dimensional human body model to display the position and track the route of a micro device inside the human body exactly. 为了真实地显示微型诊疗装置在人体内的空间位置,需要创建一个受检患者及其相应部位的三维虚拟人体模型,并把微型装置的空间位置及动态运动轨迹实时在三维人体模型上显示出来;
In the pre-processing step, display position will be adjusted by man-machine conversation, median filter clears image noise, edge pre-detection by Sobel operator, and locating and get the geometry center of centrum by tracking the gray scale change; 在预处理步骤中采用人机对话方法作显示位置调整,中值滤波方法进行图像噪声去除,采用Sobel算子进行边缘的粗提取,并使用跟踪灰度幅值变化的方法对椎体进行定位和几何中心的获取;
From the practical running data, it was showed that the navigation system could display the map-matched position information on the electronic map correctly and real-timely. 经过多次实际跑车试验证明,该嵌入式车辆导航系统可以正确实时地将地图匹配后的位置信息显示在电子地图上。
The clearly reconstructed structures could also display the position and direction of the teeth in the alveolar. 重建结构清晰,能清楚显示牙在牙槽内位置和方向。
Along with the country highways rapidly develop, highway tunnels display more and more important position in highway building. 随着我国高等级公路的不断发展,公路隧道在公路建设中的地位愈来愈重要。
The system can display the change of position and track for unmanned aerial vehicle directly by means of human-computer interaction. Flight simulation data can be also recorded. 4. 该仿真系统通过人机交互飞行,可以直观地显示无人机的飞行姿态与轨迹,同时也可记录分析仿真飞行数据。
Among these technologies, liquid crystal display occupied an important position as its mature process technology, relatively simple device structure and lower costs. 在众多的技术手段之中,液晶显示技术凭借其成熟的工艺条件、简单的器件结构以及较低的成本和功耗占据了非常重要的地位。
The realization of the function of navigation location, real-time display the position of mobile body, provides the basis of the next move for mobile body, make sure the body can move in a timely, accurate to designated location. 导航定位功能的实现,实时显示移动本体的位置,为移动本体的下一步移动提供依据,确保了移动本体能够及时、准确到达所指定的位置。
Objective: To study the feasibility of the method that the barium sulfate paste was used to display the position of the tongue combined the cephalometric radiographs. 目的:研究硫酸钡糊剂结合头颅侧位片用于显示舌位的方法可行性。